Museum Donations

The Waterfowl Hall of Fame is not only about the cultural waterfowl hunting institution that preserve through the collections. We foster learning and research and provide educational opportunities as you pave the way for the waterfowling future. In addition to the charitable and noble aspirations and goals of the museum, we are not publicly funded, so we rely on private support by donors such as you. Also, through the funding from those listed in it. To most there is surprisingly, a lot of costs associated with running a museum and keeping it open to the public.

Here are some of the main costs typical for we have:

• Staff wages & training

• Lighting, heating, humidity control, water, and telecommunication

• Cost to build of premises

• Building repairs, maintenance, and restoration work

• Acquisition of new objects

• Curatorial duties, conservation, and research

• Display & storage of the collection

• Administration

• Maintenance, footpaths, access ramps, gardens, and car parks

• Marketing, signage, and brochures

• Website, online accounts, and digital collections maintenance

• Public outreach and educational programs

• Security

• Accounting fees, legal fees, taxes, insurance, and consultancy fees

Planned Giving 

Planned giving is another way to ensure that the Waterfowl Hall of Fame Museum can continue to advance its mission into the future. This allows you to support the Museum while also addressing the financial security of your family.

Some of the ways to do this include:

• Naming the museum in a living will or trust.

• Designating life insurance policy proceeds or donating an insurance policy.

• Making the Art Museum a beneficiary of your retirement plan, IRA, 401(k), or 203(b).

• Transferring real estate to the Watewrfowl Museum through a life estate.

Your contribution will enable us to support our continue operations. We are very grateful for your generosity.

If you would like to donate to a specific area of the Museum, you may.