This is a place where everyone can be recognized for what they have achieved in the sport of waterfowling. Not everyone is a great athlete, artist, musician, or writer and so on. Although we may have at one time wanted or dreamed to be so. Somehow or for some reason we just didn’t get recognized for however good were thought we were or are. So, we turned our efforts to a sport where we could achieve our on personal goals, waterfowl hunting!

There are some waterfowl hunters that are just getting into this rich heritage, and others even before our time that has left their mark in some way to this great shooting sport. To all the above, and those in between, we give honor.


We are not like other hunters at all, we are far set apart from all the rest. We take each season, and hunting day as it’s on waterfowling adventure. We can brave the coldest of days, with gusting wind, rain, or snow. Wearing chest waders we tromp through knee deep mud, loaded down with heavy decoys bags, shotgun, and ammo, for what seems miles in the dark. We then hastily, but strategically place dozens of duck, or even hundreds of goose decoys according to the morning wind, and blind location. 

This is it, the wind, and decoys are just right. In the pre-dawn light, you can hear the calls of geese waking up on nearby roost, wings beating overhead, or catch glimpses of ducks buzzing ever so close. You and your hunting buddies with anticipation keep checking your watch, wishing for shooting time get here. This day as every hunt you have expatiations of large flocks of waterfowl cupped-up, feet out over the decoys, with full limits on all the game straps. 


Some hunts are just like that, while others leave us, well, wondering what went wrong. Was it the decoy spread, or the calling, as they just didn’t respond like you thought? All the time, and efferent spent, and you struggled to get only two. Now it’s time to pick up all those decoys you had so eagerly put out. For some hunters the tide ran out, they now must drag the boat to deeper water, only to find the motor won’t start so easy. You swear this is the last time, never again, it’s not worth it all. But on the drive back home, now warm in the truck, you reflect on that one singular bird that came in. How it responded to every note from your call as if on a string. Both your shot, and the faithful dogs retrieve was perfect. When you held it up to admire all the brilliant colors, and beauty, there it was, an old worn-down band that has been on so many migrations before this day. Your face starts to smile a little just before you ask you friend, do you want to go again tomorrow?  Both of you will agree saying tomorrow will be a better day! Each waterfowler has something in their blood that no one else will ever understand but another waterfowl hunter! 

For all the waterfowl hunts boundless with numbers, and those distinct single bird days, you are truly a hunter that deserves to be recognized for all your time, and talent. You owe it to yourself, and with bragging rights to your friends, from all your waterfowl accomplishments great, and small, to be in the Waterfowl Hunters’ Hall of Fame!